Audiologist Providing Care for Tinnitus in Irvine, CA

Tinnitus can negatively impact your social life, work life, and routine activities. Hoffmann Audiology helps you get relief from tinnitus by providing the best treatments to ensure exceptional results.

We strive to deliver personalized and exceptional tinnitus care to our patients. Dr. Chris Hoffmann has more than 14 years of clinical expertise and competence in diagnosing and tinnitus management with outstanding results.

When to See a Doctor for Tinnitus

Many cases of tinnitus (or ringing in the ears) are temporary in nature, which means they come on for a few minutes or hours and go away on their own. Such cases of tinnitus do not require any medical treatment. However, you should schedule an appointment with your medical doctor if your tinnitus doesn’t improve or go away in a couple of hours.

  • If your tinnitus develops suddenly and without any apparent cause and you experience dizziness or hearing loss with tinnitus, you should immediately visit your medical doctor.
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Our Tinnitus Management Options

At Hoffmann Audiology, you can receive result-oriented care to help with your tinnitus. Dr. Chris Hoffmann will assess the causes, symptoms, and severity of your tinnitus and recommend appropriate ways to help you manage it.

Tinnitus FAQs

People with tinnitus may experience these sounds:

  • Clicking
  • Ringing
  • Hissing
  • Buzzing
  • Whooshing
  • Roaring
  • Humming

Factors that contribute to tinnitus include:

  • Exposure to loud noise
  • Age-related hearing loss
  • Abnormal ear bone growth or changes in ear bones
  • Earwax buildup
  • Certain medications

Other possible tinnitus causes include:

  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
  • Acoustic neuroma
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Head or neck injuries
  • Muscle spasms in the inner ear
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction

Blood vessel disorders can lead to tinnitus, which may include:

  • Turbulent blood flow
  • Atherosclerosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Malformation of capillaries
  • Neck and head tumors

An audiologist will examine and evaluate the underlying causes and severity of tinnitus and recommend the best treatment to reduce your perception of tinnitus and its symptoms.

In most cases, tinnitus will go away on its own regardless of the cause. However, it does not mean that you can wait for some months or years until your tinnitus disappears. If your tinnitus impacts your quality of life and does not improve within two weeks, you should visit an audiologist for treatment.

Factors that may increase your risk for tinnitus include:

  • Smoking
  • Prolonged exposure to loud noise
  • Age
  • Cardiovascular problems

Tinnitus is not considered an emergency. However, it can be an early sign of progressive hearing loss and getting treatment on time can help you manage your symptoms. Sudden-onset tinnitus along with sudden-onset hearing loss is an emergency, though, as it may be treatable if diagnosed and addressed within the first 72 hours. If you experience sudden-onset hearing loss with or without tinnitus, seek immediate medical attention.

When you grow older, the number of functioning nerve fibers in your ears may decrease, which can lead to hearing problems that are associated with tinnitus. Tinnitus is most common in people more than 40 years of age and in more men than women.

Only very rarely. Acoustic neuroma, a low-grade brain tumor, can cause hearing loss or tinnitus in the affected ear.

In some cases, it can. During the cold weather, our ears may produce more wax, which can lead to tinnitus.

Research has linked caffeine to tinnitus, and reduction or elimination of caffeine from the diet is commonly recommended for tinnitus sufferers.

Many tinnitus patients report that daytime background noise helps to mask the sound of tinnitus. In quiet environments, however, there is nothing to distract from the tinnitus, so it becomes more pronounced.

Practicing good sleeping habits help you sleep better:

  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark.
  • Try exercising regularly, but avoid exercising 2 to 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Use a white-noise machine or fan if your bedroom is too quiet.
  • Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows.
  • Sleep at least 8 to 9 hours.
  • Do not drink and smoke before going to bed.

Contact us at 949-536-5180 to schedule an appointment with our tinnitus care provider, Dr. Chris Hoffmann, to get the best recommendations for tinnitus relief.

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